Dear DB,

I know it’s been a long long time since I promised to send you a cd. Well, here it is! But it’s not a comp cd – even though I have made a few of those they’ve never reached the heights of yours – and now you owe me another one! Actually, I’d also like a copy of that one you gave me years ago – it had Beth Orton and Macy Gray and Moby and Elton John…does that ring a bell?

How are you? Is life still good in Arizona? I think you have a couple of little boys? Isn’t parenting trippy? So consuming! I’m still consumed by it actually. I talk to my sons several times a week and we get together all the time. Josh and his wife Melissa just moved from LA to Tacoma so that makes it much easier to visit them and Chris and Amy live in Boise but are moving to Portland when their house sells. Yippee! Then I’ll be able to fulfill my role as imperial matriarch more easily.

So here’s my latest project, “Obsidian,” eight stories, twenty minutes. Writing is like crawling through cut glass (Dylan). But it wasn’t the writing that was hard, or composing the music or even recording it all, it was the hard drive crashes and the garageband issues and the blown tweeter and just all sorts of electronic mayhem. Plus the fact that it wouldn’t hurt me a bit to take a class in sound engineering so I could learn to do it right. I hope you can listen without going crazy!

Okay, your turn! I hope I don’t have to wait three years.

I’m moving soon but (hint hint) if you’re sending something my way I get mail at a friend’s:

PS I love your guys’ website. So classy!